Barcode Maker Software for Inventory Control Screenshots
Business Barcodes for the Retail Industry Software enables you to create versatile retail barcodes or inventory barcode labels using any of the major linear or 2D barcode font standards. In retail businesses, to manage large volumes of products and for easy access to the required item, barcode software has nowadays become essential for managing them. To create multiple inventory barcode labels useful in entire small- to large-scale retail industries, barcode creator software provides series generating options such as sequential, constant, or random lists. The effective tracking system of the barcode software traces all business product and inventory goods details in an accurate way yet at a rapid pace, thus relieving users from the manual data entry process.
Use the steps below to create barcodes for the retail sector:
Step1: To design multiple retail barcodes and change font, color, and image options, select Quick Barcode Mode.
- Select Linear or 2D Barcode and font then enter the Barcode Value and Barcode Header, footer.
- Generate list of barcode using sequential method.
- To adjust the margin for the header and footer or to switch between a vertical and horizontal bearer bar, select Barcode Settings.
- You can modify the barcode value font, barcode footer font, and barcode header font.
- Barcode color, barcode background, header, and footer colors can all be changed using the color tab.
- You can create several barcodes at once if you use the batch processing option.
Step2: To design a retail barcode label and modify label properties, select the Barcode designing mode as shown on the following screen.
- In Barcode Designing Mode, change the Label Properties (Label Shape, Label Size).
- Apply the size to the label after obtaining the label's width and height from the printer.
- Utilize several choices, such as Browse image, Fill color, and Set Background Opacity, to modify the barcode label's background.
- Using the Image Processing tab, inspect the designed image and adjust the brightness.
- In Image Properties, select the image then click OK.
- In Line Properties, change the line color, line width, line direction, etc.
Step3: To print the designed barcode, select the Print icon from the list of standard tools above.
- Set the Page Margins and Card size for printing the card.
- To print barcode label, select either a predefined label stock or manual mode. We are utilizing the label stock mode with pre-defined labels for demonstration reasons.
- Depending on your industrial demands, select the label product (Ace Label, A-ONE, APLI, Avery A4) and product number.
- Before printing, you may inspect the designed barcode labels by selecting the print preview button.
- Click the "Print" button to initiate printing after configuring the various attributes.